Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Testing for Genetic Diseases via DNA extraction, PCR, and gel electrophoresis


a) DNA testing is the extraction and analysis of the entire genome or, more commonly, a specific gene of interest. DNA testing has multiple applications. For example, it can be used for forensics, paternity testing, or, in this case, genetic disease diagnosis. Of course, we're not actually testing for a real genetic disease in class, but the principle is the same. DNA testing involves three main steps - DNA extraction, PCR, and gel electrophoresis - which will be discussed later in part c (techniques).
b) The purpose of this lab is to test ourselves for a "genetic disease". We will be utilizing all the techniques below in order to achieve this goal.
c) First, we start with DNA extraction - cheek cells will be swabbed and placed into a test tube containing a lysis buffer to help break open the cell/nuclear membranes. We will then put the cheek cells into a hot water bath of 95 degrees Celsius to further lyse open the membranes. Instagene matrix beads are used to kill DNAse, which would otherwise kill the exposed DNA. Second is PCR (polymerase chain reaction), which is used to make many copies of the DNA so that the DNA will be easier to test. The more copies, the more likely it will show up on the gel (part 3). A main ingredient of PCR is the primer, which targets the specific gene of interest. That way, we make copies of just the gene of interest (in this case, the "disease" gene), rather than the entire genome, which would be unnecessary. Third, we run the mass-produced genes on a gel. This process is called gel electrophoresis. The electric current run through the gel pulls the slightly negatively charged DNA toward the positive end - the smaller segments of DNA (in this case, the "diseased" gene is smaller than the "healthy" gene) will be able to work their way through the matrix faster and will thus travel farther toward the positive end. The larger pieces (the "healthy" gene) will be bogged down in the matrix and will not make it as far. Thus, gel electrophoresis has three potential outcomes:
1. Two bands that did not travel far --> indicates two "healthy" genes
2. Two bands that did travel far --> indicates two "diseased" genes
3. One band that did not and one band that did travel far --> indicates one "healthy" gene and one "diseased" gene.
Only outcome #2 will result in the expression of the disease, since the disease is recessive (both alleles must be recessive in order for the recessive genes to be expressed in the phenotype).


I do not have a picture of the gel results to post on this blab, but I can tell you that 3 of the people at my lab table tested positive for the "disease". In other words, each of us had 2 bands that travelled far and matched the bands of the "diseased" control gene. The fourth person's bands did not show up, so we cannot determine whether she was positive or negative. Luckily this "disease" is an intron, or else we'd all be in a bad spot!

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